In the most recent Instagram photos of Huma Abedin and Alexander Soros you don’t see parties, beaches or plates of food. They are not like other couples. The last image of Soros, 38, is at a dinner in Munich for the Open Society Foundations, where he is giving the inaugural speech with Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Commission. While the most recent photos of Abedin, 49, show her at a party for a podcast about female leaders, giving a conference in Miami, at New York Fashion Week and on the red carpet at the Met Gala. However, you can no longer see the photo that they posted on their respective Instagram Stories, which disappeared within a few hours. That image showed the two of them together, holding each other by the waist, among red roses, boxes of jewels and heart decoration in a restaurant in Paris. The two celebrated Valentine’s Day together. With the image, the two — both powerful, rich Democrats deeply immersed in the highest circles of American power — showed that they have become the surprise new couple of the year. But perhaps it’s not such a big surprise.
Abedin and Soros are two of the most famous, yet discreet single people in high society on the East Coast. Rich, excellently connected, elegant and, now, dating. It was not until a few days ago that their relationship became public. Abedin — Hillary Clinton’s right-hand woman and “second daughter,” as the former Secretary of State likes to call her — is divorced from a controversial former congressman who was sentenced to prison. Soros — who manages a $25 billion fortune (and is heir to another $6.7 billion) and was until recently described by the U.S. press as a playboy — seems to have met his match. As sources familiar with the couple told Page Six, “It’s a classic Clinton world couple. Alex is the perfect match for Huma. He’s insanely wealthy and powerful — everything that Huma cares about.”
Both Abedin and Soros have been known in power circles for decades, especially among Democrats. But until now their romantic and personal lives had not made headlines, or least, not that often. Soros has been a public figure since birth. His father, the Hungarian business tycoon George Soros, 93, married twice and had five children: Robert, Andrea and Jonathan with Annaliese Witschak; and Alexander and Gregory with Susan Weber. He is now married to Tamiko Bolton.
His brother Jonathan Soros appeared the clear successor, but it was Alexander Soros who unexpectedly received the keys to the Soros empire last June in a twist worthy of Succession. Alexander Soros is now at the forefront of the family’s philanthropic work, which is managed through Open Society, which has $25 billion in assets. The organization donates an average of $1.5 billion a year.
Although George Soros, with a personal fortune of almost $7 billion, has supported Democrats for decades (in fact, he was among the top 10 donors to Hillary Clinton’s campaign in 2016, donating $10 million), Alexander has already made it clear that his investment path is going to be “more political” than his father, and that he intends to broaden his “liberal aims” by veering slightly more to the left, supporting campaigns such as gender equality and the right to abortion. To this end, he has met with part of the Biden administration, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Brazilian President Lula da Silva. It is common for him to post photos of himself with figures such as French President Emmanuel Macron, U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris and former U.S. president Barack Obama.